If it was not possible for you to attend the NRW drop in session in Neuadd Dwyfor in July there is a second chance for you to view the information regarding 'Flood Management in Pwllheli' and share your opinion
On Wednesday 14th July and Thursday 15th July 2022 NRW arranged for a drop-in session at Neuadd Dwyfor Arts Centre, Pwllheli regarding ‘Managing flooding in Pwllheli’. NRW is exploring options to more effectively manage the long-term flood risk to Pwllheli and surrounding communities. The project team was available to discuss the project, and answer questions.
Thank you to all those who attended, and the valuable feedback given. We understand that not all those that wished to, could attend.
NRW have a new online Pwllheli Flood Management Consultation Hub, which can be accessed here: https://ymgynghori.cyfoethnaturiol.cymru/north-west-wales-gogledd-orllewin-cymru/managing-flooding-in-pwllheli/. The exhibition boards that were on display at the drop in event, as well additional information, and updates are all available on the above link, as well as online feedback forms for your comments and suggestions.
If you’d like to find out more, or share your views with us, or to register for future progress updates, please email:
pwllheli.floodrisk@grasshopper-comms.co.uk or risgllifogydd.pwllheli@grasshopper-comms.co.uk.