What is Cyfle Cymru?

Cyfle Cymru is a service which 
helps people with substance misuse issues and/or mental health conditions into work, education or training.

How can we help?

Cyfle Cymru provides the support you need to find the right job, training opportunity or qualifications.

We offer:

  • one-to-one guidance from a peer mentor who can draw on their own experience of substance misuse, recovery and/or mental health conditions.

  • specialist employment support, including training courses, volunteering opportunities and help and advice on how to search and apply for jobs.

We work closely with major employers to ensure that we’ve got the connections you need to find a rewarding new job.

We’re experienced in treatment and rehabilitation and understand your recovery, so you can trust us to help you make the right decisions.

Our help and support can continue after you enter employment, training or education to help you settle in.

Who is eligible?

We can support you towards and into work if:

  • you are aged 16 to 24 and not in employment, education or training.

  • you are aged 25 or over and longterm unemployed or economically inactive.

  • you live in Cardiff & Vale of Glamorgan, Dyfed, North Wales, Powys or Swansea Bay.

  • you are in recovery from substance misuse and/or mental health issues.

To download What is Cyfle Cymru click here

Get in touch

In partnership with:
0300 777 2256

News 2023